Case Study

The American Dream: Get More Tax Clients with a Successful Accounting Firm

Goals Goals

  • Increase revenue substantially
  • Get direction with sales and marketing for new firm
  • Have an accounting and tax community of support

Key Benefits Experienced Key Benefits Experienced

  • Doubled revenue year over year
  • Refined sales process to be more efficient
  • Increased technical tax and accounting knowledge

“I learned I didn’t need to reinvent the wheel to grow my accounting business, I just needed to use the proven processes inside 7 Figure Firms.”


Coming to the United States at the age of 18 from Vietnam, Mia Reeves saw America as the land of opportunity. While having some initial struggles, time has proven her right. She not only graduated college and landed a job at the largest accounting firm in the entire country by revenue, Deloitte, but she went on to start her own successful accounting firm. Here is her story of how she is able to get more tax clients.

Deloitte Accountant to Entrepreneur

As an international student, Ms. Reeves had to work hard in school just to keep her spot. She was studying in her second language, and getting a job was tough. She applied to every job on campus without success. Employers told her things such as she couldn’t answer the phone. Eventually, however, she continued to improve her English skills and was able to get a coveted position at the Big 4 firm, Deloitte. While having a career at a Big 4 firm is the dream of many college students, it soon became clear to Ms. Reeves that she wanted something more.

With a full-time job working for someone else, you don’t have time to visit family on a trip but once a year—perhaps even once every two years. I had enough of working as an employee because I wanted the freedom that comes with owning your own business.” Ms. Reeves also explained that her parents had their own business, which was an inspiration to her. 

My parents are doctors, and they help save lives. I also wanted to save lives, but since I obviously didn’t go to medical school, my version of saving lives would be saving their financial lives.” Despite the good job, she wanted more flexibility and more possibility, so she quit her position at Deloitte in March of 2018. She joined our program with zero revenue and a dream to get more tax clients. 

Entrepreneurship as an Accountant

Going from a prestigious job to being a self-employed entrepreneur came with more freedom, but a big drop in pay. At this point, Ms. Reeves was solely responsible for her paycheck. She had heard about the 7 Figure Firms program through a friend of hers who also was thinking about starting her own business. She knew she needed to get more tax clients and invest more in herself if she was going to build a successful accounting firm, so she committed to the program.

One big benefit Ms. Reeves has gotten out of the program has been the accountability. She modeled what other successful accounting firm owners were doing.

We have so much support, it’s almost like it’s not even an option to fail or to quit.”

Ms. Reeves particularly appreciated the private Facebook group that all 7 Figure Firm members get access to. 

I can get a question answered in hours, or in a day—which is still pretty fast—on almost any topic. Whether it’s sales and marketing or something technical, I know I have a place where I can go to get answers,” she explained. The program has reinforced her belief that she can accomplish anything she sets her mind on. 

As far as numbers, her revenue has doubled each of the past two years. Her firm has grown from just herself as a solopreneur to having one full-time employee and two contractors. Her future goals now include having a financial advising business that will produce more passive income. 

Sales and Marketing to Get More Tax Clients

Going back in time to when Ms. Reeves first joined the 7 Figure Firms coaching program, she knew she needed to improve with sales and marketing. She had some experience with sales and rejection going through the job application process as an undergraduate, so it wasn’t foreign to her. That said, she loved the technical, step-by-step processes to follow when it came to setting up marketing campaigns and selling her services to prospects.

I had to adjust and grow during college to get a job at Deloitte, but I had to grow even further starting my own firm to make it successful. Joining 7 Figure Firms gave me additional sales skills, the right mindset and the mechanics to get my sales process down. I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel, just stay on script with what has been proven to work.” 

Meanwhile, she is already an American success story, having traveled across the world, graduated college, worked at Deloitte, and now running her own rapidly growing firm. What advice would she give other accountants? “Everyone has the same number of hours in the day, whether it’s you or Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos…just some people have figured out systems to make the most of their time.” The mindset that we all have the same 24 hours has given her the idea that if someone has achieved something extraordinary, it’s inspiration and proof that it’s possible for others to achieve similar levels of success as well. 

Practically speaking, this means there’s no reason why her firm can’t one day grow into one of the top 10 accounting firms in the world. All it takes is the right mindset, work ethic, support, strategies and tools to make it happen—which is exactly what 7 Figure Firms was built to do.

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